A football match is going on. Its Baldev Vs Rajveer. They both are fighting to get the bride Veera.
Off-screen Veera says, Rajveer started this football match to impress me, he gathered the kids of town and started playing football with them to give them some entertainment also, otherside is Baldev, who thinks that Rajveer flirts with me so he came here and showed that he will tell Rajveer who is he, he made his team and challenged Rajveer, I am sandwiched in-between them.
Reporter says, this football match is important as it is to impress Veera so Rajveer and Baldev are making their team practice before match.
Off-screen Baldev says, We couldn’t find any other idea so we are targeting football only, I am playing it for first time. Rajveer says, we are not playing, we are making kids play it.
Reporter says that Veera is being put on bet but lets here form her, on whose side she is.
Off-screen, Veera is standing close to Baldev and says no, I am only on Baldev’s side.
Rajveer is shown flirting with Veera, he snatches ring from Veer which Baldevhad given her, Veera tries to get it back but comes close to Rajveer in process. Baldev comes there and says to Rajveer that don’t try to snatch ring from her, I have given her this ring, he angrily takes the ring back from Rajveer.
Off-screen, Rajveer jokes that actually Baldev and I are interested in each other, Veers thinks we are fighting for her but actually we are playing together, Veera says what I am doing here then, she is embarrassed at their jokes.