Harjiyan song plays while Rachna looks at her groom. Bittu moves his sehra surprising and shocking Rachna. Rachna gets tears in her eyes seeing him. Reporter says, groom have changed. Rachna have been dreaming about her marriage day since childhood. She didn’t know that her groom will be changed. Kabir has betrayed Rachna once again.
Rachna says, it is shocking for her. She was to marry Kabir but Bittu came. They laugh. Reporter says, Kabir sent a letter to Rachna in which he has called off their relationship.
Bittu says, Bittu is in love and his mental age is 8 years old. If a child tries to get something then he gets it somehow. reporter says, Rachna was shell shocked. Rachna says, I didn’t know what step Rachna will take.
Reporter says, twist is common in serials. Rachna is unable to bear the stress that’s why she fainted during the scene. Then she was made to made sugar to get consciousness. We had already informed you about this big twist and will keep you updated about Rachna and Bittu’s marriage. Keep reading.