Gaura shoves Kokila and she hits her head against the wall. Kokila touches Gaura’s foot, Gaura kicks her in the stomach. Gopi loses her mind and says you are not even human. If you ever try to do this again I will break your legs. Gopi says Kokila did so much to you.
Gaura says she deserves this. Gopi says I wont hear a word against my maa ji.
Earlier, Kokila said to Meera I wont let you stay here. You are not safe here. Meera shoves her hand and says leave my hand and go from here.
Off screen: Gopi says this is the last warning. I keep listening and answer in the end. I am sure she wont stop doing all this but she will know someone is here to answer.
Kokila says I loved her more than a sister. She has been shocked with the betrayal.