Sahir has grown feeling for Arzoo and is unable to control his heart. Reporter says Sahir is punishing himself and the reason is Arzoo. It seems his hand will not stop today as he doesn’t care about the pain which he gets. Kurbaan Hua Plays………..
What happened to Sahir. Arzoo is the reason for this and the thoughts about her which comes in his mind. Sahir says he doesn’t know what is happening and this is punishment for him. Sahir says he is helpless and the two things are happening simultaneously.
Reporter says, he gets angry on himself and starts beating himself to the extent that his feelings gets wiped away by the pain. He couldn’t stop his heart from growing far from Arzoo. Sahir says I am sure he will insult Arzoo or hurt himself.
Reporter says this scene looked quite realistic. Sahir says we shot the scene with much safety and we were very safe and particular. Sahir is a married man and very soon his wife Zeenat will come infront. Arzoo will know about his wife soon. Keep reading.