Sanam is searching Seher and is on the way. Reporter says Sanam is in search of Seher, and is following Khala and Khalu’s car. Sanam says she is searching for Seher as the new Sanam hide her somewhere after kidnapping. I am searching her with full intensity. She says lets see whether I find her or not. Reporter says Seher is held captive by goons and taking her somewhere in truck. Sanam says she has done all types of stunts. Reporter says the goons bring her to a place.
Seher gains consciousness and sees Shaikh infront of her. New Sanam has sold her to Sheik. It will be interesting to see how Sanam reaches there. Reporter says Khala and Khalu are happy and dancing. Khalu and Khala say that New Sanam will give them so much money which even Tanveer didn’t give them before. Reporter says hopes Sanam saves Seher. Keep reading.