Aahil asks Tanveer to open her eyes as she faints. He makes her lie on the bed and urges her to open her eyes. He panics. Reporter says Aahil is in tension as his Ammi has fainted. He doesn’t know what to do. He loves his mother very much as she is everything for him. He loves her more than Sanam. Sanam says he loves her very much as Tanveer always to told him about her favours for him. He asks Sanam what did he give to her and thinks she poisoned his mother.
Sanam says Aahil know that Sanam couldn’t do anything like that. She is a very good girl. Aahil says he is Mamma’s boy. He says mother and father are like God. Reporter says ofscreen Tanveer laughs and have a good time. Reporter says Sanam’s troubles will increase. Don’t know who gave poison to Tanveer to kill her. Lets wait and see. Keep reading.