Abhi being a rockstar sings a song on the car’s rooftop. Mahi Mahi Tu Aaja Mere Mahi song plays……..Reporter says Rockstar Abhi is enjoying and compelling his fans to enjoy his performance. He says Abhi is a rockstar, but we rarely gets a chance to listen to him, now we got the chance. This rock concert is slightly different as he is singing on the car’s rooftop. Abhi says everyone is enjoying except him, as he is searching for Pragya and looking around. All the unit members enjoy the performance so it is fun.
Reporter says Abhi sang on the road with some motive. He is searching for Pragya and that’s why doing it. Abhi says he is missing Pragya in the room and gave promise to Dadi. He have foundness for longiness for his wife. Reporter says offscreen Pragya is seen dancing, jumping and singing the song and enjoying Abhi’s performance. She is standing so close ofscreen, but Abhi couldn’t see her. We hope that Abhi gets his wife Pragya back because of his trying. Keep reading.