Pragya is crying and talking to Dadi’s pic. Abhi brings water for her. Yaadein song plays…….Reporter says contine cry and gets sympathy from the viewers. He says he thought Pragya is crying looking at Abhi’s pic, but she is looking at Dadi’s pic and crying. Dadi is alive, and don’t know why Pragya is crying seeing her pic.
Pragya says she behaved badly with Dadi and that’s why sad about it. She is apologizing to Dadi’s pic and then wipes her tears before entering her room.
Pragya says she tried to hide her sadness from Abhi. Abhi started teasing her and refuses to let her sleep on the bed. Pragya sleeps on the couch. Pragya says they know how to fight. Reporter says they are still fighting and far from each other. Keep reading.