Abhi and Pragya are happy with the good news coming in their family. Dadi says she is very happy and kisses Pragya happily. Abhi makes her eat sweets. She announces that she is going to be grand mum and asks everyone to congratulates her. Pragya and Abhi are smiling and happy. Tanu looks on surprisingly. reporter says Dadi is thinking that Pragya is pregnant and is happy. Badhayi Ho Badhayi Ho song plays in the background. Everyone in the house are happy. Dasi looks on happily.
Abhi says Dadi is happy. Pragya says she will do house work now. She says she can be pregnant too. Abhi laughs and says how? Reporter says we had thought that it is real good news, but it is not. Abhi says she gets pregnant as I look at her. Reporter says if Pragya is not becoming mum, but you are becoming papa. She says it is impossible to convince Dadi now. Keep reading.