Masakali song plays while Sahir plays with Ashrafi. Ashrafi kisses Sahir. Sahir enjoys it and kiss her as well. Arzoo is getting jealous and thinks from where this new trouble came from.
Arzoo says she has to get this parrot married. Sahir laughs and asks am I a parrot. Arzoo laughs and tells Ashrafi that Sahir is your Ashfaq.
Reporter says Ashrafi has entered the show to unite Sahir and Arzoo. They are coming closer because of Ashrafi. Sahir says this is the new way to come as Ashrafi has entered Sahir’s room and Arzoo followed it.
Sahir seems protective towards Arzoo, then he gets angry on her. Sahir asks Arzoo not to try to become his wife. Sahir says he is angry on her. Arzoo and Sahir look in each other eyes and have an eye lock. Keep reading.