Sid and Roshni have got separated again. The reporter says they both have got away again, as the kidnappers came in between this time.
Offscreen Sid says he is running to save Roshni, as he sees her getting kidnapped by goons. The reporter says Sid has shot for the kidnapping scene at Dargah before, and reshooting the scene again.
Roshni has come for a dance program and sees goons taking away Ayesha, she runs to save her and gets kidnapped too.
Offscreen Sid says Roshni was attending dance function at auditorium and got kidnapped. The reporter says Sid is searching both of them madly.
DD slaps Sid and says their relation will end if anything happens to Roshni. Sid promises DD that he will do his best to save his wife and his to be born child. Keep reading.