Doctor says congrats, and says she is pregnant. Abhi gets shocked while Tanu looks on smilingly. Pragya gets shattered. Reporter says trust is broken and relations is ended. HE says Pragya gets shocked as Tanu is really pregnant. Reporter says Abhi and Pragya try to prove Tanu wrong, but doctors confirmed that she is pregnant. Pragya says she is sad as she has to leave Abhi and go. She was sure as she took Tanu to her doctor before, but Abhi was unsure and took her to other gynaec. She says he sees her report.
Abhi gets confused and says he is not the father of her child. Offscreen Abhi says he is excited and the baby is of Pragya. He will go to Switzerland. Pragya feels bad about seeing Dadi’s condition. There is a confusion at home about Tanu’s child father. Pragya cries seeing Dadi’s pic. Once she goes, Dadi gets up and looks for her. Pragya says we can’t fight with destiny and win. Reporter says you are right, lets see what Tanu does to Pragya through her drama. Keep reading.