Kokila grunts on Gopi and says i break all the vows I took. Gopi is crying. Gopi says please pardon me. Kokila says, you have ruined my pride on my family. Our family is broken because of you. Our relationship ends from now. Gopi says you are my mom. I wont be able to live without you. Ahem shoves Gopi’s hand as well.
Reporter says, The relationship that kept Modi house intact has broken. Gopi sits in Kokila’s feet in tears but she leaves and so does Ahem. Gopi is crying. Kokila has shattered all the seven vows she took when she made Gopi her daughter.
Gopi says, people get divorced in marriages but this is a very unique situation where a mother in law is breaking up with her daughter in law. She has divorced me. Kokila says, Koki spent her whole life to make her family a single unit and now its broken.
The reason behind koki’s anger is that Jigar and Paridhi have the house. Gopi supported them in this decision. Kokila couldn’t resist this and held Gopi responsible for all this. Kokila says, Jigar left the house and that matters to me. Gopi says, I am doing this all for jigar. he has been in a trauma after since many days.